Filtration Products - Garnet Sand

| Anthracite | Filter Sand | Filter Gravel | Garnet Sand | Bone Char | Coal Carbon | Coconut Carbon |
| Pelletized Carbon | Impregnated Carbon | Acid Washed Carbon | Greensand Plus | Micro Z |

Garnet is a naturally occuring gem mineral with uniform physical, chemical, hardness, friability and micro-structure characteristics, which provide the essential properties for filtration and other industrial uses. Applications range from small, single-media filters to technically advanced multimedia commercial and industrial systems.

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Garnet Sand

8/12 Mesh

Typical Chemical Analysis

Silicon Oxide - 38%
Iron Oxide - 30%
Aluminum Oxide - 26%
Free Silica - None
Magnesium Oxide - 2%
Calcium Oxide - 2%
Manganese Oxide - 2%

Physical Properties

Hardness (Moh's Scale) - 7.0 - 8.0
Specific Gravity - 4.0 - 4.2
Strength - Semi-friable to tough
Fracture - Blocky, angular, irregular
Pathological Effects - None/Inert
Lustre - Vitreous
Melting Point - About 2300 ℉
Acid Solubility - Insoluble
Magnetism - Slightly magnetic
Moisture Absorption - Non-hygroscopic

Standard Products

Mesh Size - Density, Lbs/Ft3
No. 8/12     - 149
No. 12         - 149
No. 16         - 138
No. 25         - 137
No. 36         - 135
No. 30/40   - 125
No. 60         - 120
No. 60/80   - 120
No. 80         - 117
No. 100       - 109


50 Lb Bags