| Anthracite | Filter Sand | Filter Gravel | Garnet Sand | Bone Char | Coal Carbon | Coconut Carbon |
| Pelletized Carbon | Impregnated Carbon | Acid Washed Carbon | Greensand Plus | Micro Z |
Activated Carbon 8x30 and 12x40 are made from selected grade of bituminous coal. They are produced under rigidly controlled conditions and have a good distribution of macropores and micropores. Consequently, they are highly suitable for use in water treatment.
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12 X 40 Mesh
General Specifications
Mesh Size - 8 x 30
Iodine Number, mg/g - 950 min
Total Surface Area, m2/g - 900-1000
(N2 BET Method)
Apparent Density, g/cm3 - .46 min
Abrasion Number, Ro-Tap - 70 min
Effective Size, mm - 0.85 avg.
Moisture - 3% max.
Oversize - 5% max.
Undersize - 5% max.
Mesh Size - 12 x 40
Iodine Number, mg/g - 1000 min.
Total Surface Area, m2/g - 1000-1100
(N2 BET Method)
Apparent Density, g/cm3 - .47 min.
Abrasion Number, Ro-Tap - 75 min.
Effective Size, mm - 0.60 avg.
Moisture - 3% max.
Oversize - 5% max.
Undersize - 5% max.
Standard Packaging
1100 pound supersacks
55 pound bags
20 and 4.5 pound cans